Many analysts said that Sun would fail to find another buyer after talks with IBM broke down. Then within days they were proved wrong. A few raised eyebrows at first as Oracle were not commonly predicted and then some nods of approval as the synergy was realised. Sun's Solaris operating system is the leading platform for Oracles database software. Sun also makes "middleware," which allows business computing applications to work together. Oracle's middleware is built on Sun's Java language and software, so there is a fit but many elements of Sun and Oracle’s businesses are quite different from each other.
Outside of IT the mergers and acquisitions the trend has been for large conglomerates to split up their products and services. To spin them off or sell so that they can focus upon their "core competencies" on the whole this has been reasonably successful. However, within IT the trend seems to moving generally the other way.
However, can the same management make a success of the future? Is this a rising or setting sun we see before us?
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